About us

Right Seat was established in 2015 by two women with a combined HR experience of over 20 years. Within the first two years of operation, our business had grown fivefold. In just 8 years, over 10,000 applications have passed through our recruitment process. From a start-up to premier HR consultancy firm; our growth shows what we're able to replicate for our partners.

Our Roots

The story of Rwanda is the story of Right Seat. Our nation holds redefinition as a core part of its identity. Right Seat takes this principle to the world of work. We believe in crafting a work culture that makes the workspace a place of productivity, but also fulfilment. After all, the health of your workspace inspires the success of your company

As one of Rwanda's premier HR service providers, we've worked with minnows and masters of industry. This has extended into industries such as energy, hospitality, technology, manufacturing, finance, and more. We've applied our same principles to every company regardless of size or industry - ensuring growth for our partners.

Meet Our Founders

Celine Uwineza
Co Founder

Denise Umunyana
Co Founder

Our Team Of Innovative Thinkers

Oceane Ishimwe
Account Executive

Ken Ndekezi
Business Development Partner

Fanny Stephanie Uwase
HR Business Associate

Rugwiro Rwema Orcel
Business Relations Officer

Patricia Ingabire
Talent Curation Officer

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